Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ECW 11-14-06 Review

A little short on time this afternoon, so here's a little review of the ECW show from last night.

-We recap Holly's huge surprise turn, brought on by no one cheering for him during the epic vs Test about three weeks back. Lots of slow shots of the Alabama Slam on a chair, low sound, Haymen smiling, and honestly, they're trying too hard to make it important.

-Elijah Burke joins Joey this week, why did they pick him? They could have easily used Paul for this, but we'll see how Burke does. Terkay is with him, which means someone will go nose to nose with him tonight, giving December to Dismember two whole matches! Anyway, as you probably know already, Paul offers Hardcore Holly the spot in the Elimination Chamber, Bobby Lashley interrupts and signs the contract himself, which of course makes it legal and Haymen, who probably wrote it himself with crayon, cannot do anything about it.

-The heels complain about Paul's stupid contract plan, and wow, I'm so happy they mentioned it and that Test, Holly and Big Show questioned the logic. They almost never do that kinda self aware booking. Paul promises to "lawyer up" and makes Holly vs Lashley for later tonight.

-We're finally ready for a match:

Mike Knox vs CM Punk:

We have a rematch from last week's Elimination Chamber qualifier, and because CM Punk does nothing but rematches. Punk controls early after some kicks and a belly to back. You know, given the pesudo Muy Tai gimmick they've given Punk, I could easily see him confront Sylvister, or get beat down by him. Mike gains control after something happens to Kelly on the outside, and Punk goes back first into the ring post. Sorry, I missed whatever happened while typing, and then Joey spent a minute fialing to explain whatever happened. Knox tries very hard to turn Punk into a Boston Crab, but he can't do it, so he settles for a poor slingshot into the corner, some forearms...and a dropkick?! Knox meets an elbow and Punk makes a small comback before being met with a uranage backbreaker, minus the lift. Knox tries the boston crab again and gets it! Punk eventually makes it to the ropes as the crowd seems to get behind him a bit, and pops for the rope break. Well, the crowd is obviously sweetened, but that's also partially the affect of the sound back work already done, and the early boston crab tease. Knox with a bow and arrow, "CM Punk" chant, and Punk counters a suplex with a knee to the face, while up in the air. Big side kick by Punk and the pace picks up big time. Knox cuts him off with and elbow but misses a scissors kick. Punk nails a springboard dropkick and follows witha suicide dive, drawing the first "ECW" chant of the night. Back in with a springboard clothesline for a very close two. And now starts the CM Punk finish: Mui Tai "strikes", running knee, and running bulldog gets 2! Knox cuts him off with a tilt a whirl backbreaker, and Elijah points out the solid back work. Punk flips out of a suplex, kicks, backfist, Uranage, and the Anaconda Vice for the finish. If they're really ending this fued, you'd think Kelly will leave with Punk...but no, she holds Knox's hand as they go to the back so um, either this fued will continue after Punks two vicitories, or Punk really is just addicted to compeition. What an angle!

As a side note, they failed to remind me that Kelly is an exhibitionist this week, thank god I didn't forget.

Crap, gotta run, a very solid match, and Knox looked decent and tried to work in some psychology. So we go 1 for 1 and finish the show tonight when i get home.

Still to come: Matt Striker! Bobby Lashley takes on Hardcore Holly! and More!

1 comment:

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