Saturday, January 30, 2010

WWF Wrestlefest 1990!

Well here is a random tape from the massive 1980-1990 WWF VHS series. I so miss the days when Supertape, Battle of the WWF Superstars, and of course, Wrestlefest were regular tape releases to look forward to...let us see what the 1990 incarnation of Wrestlefest has to offer.

-Randy Savage vs Roddy Piper: Savage's gear as the Macho King is just awesome. I know he feuded with Rhodes, but what else did Savage do in 1990, seems like he spent most of the year out of the spotlight, which is a huge waste. Sherri and Piper's interaction to start is enjoyable. The high light of this is easily the airplane spin contest which I would say goes to Savage, his is must faster. Since this is a 1990's home video, its a DQ win for Piper after Sherri get involved on the floor. Matches like this remind me how much Piper did without a huge moveset, as his offensive run consisted of clotheslines and great, great punches.

-The Fan Favorite match is Dino Bravo vs Ultimate Warrior. The green screen backgrounds are still great, as are the promo addressed to the "fan" who requested this contest. The Warrior cuts possibly the shortest promo of his career.

-Dino Bravo vs Ultimate Warrior: This is either very early 1990 or late 89, as Earthquake is still in his brown outfit. Early starts fast early, but things get goofy when he goes under the ring after being knocked over the top by Bravo. Warrior pulls Jimmy Hart under the ring, removing his pants and throwing him into the arms of Earthquake. There's even a suplex by the Warrior, which I don't remember seeing, but maybe I wasn't ever paying attention enough. Bravo controls with a test of strength and some clubbing offense, and he hits a nice back suplex on Warrior. Bearhug mixed with some very involved trusting. Bravo misses a a move that looked to be somewhere between a leg and elbow drop, I honestly can't tell. Side slam leads to a Warrior "Hulk Up", and I wonder if the Warrior's run as champion didn't work because his matches were essentially the same formula as Hogan's, only with a less mainstream babyface. Earthquake in for to cause the DQ. I feel so bad for the "fan" that requested this, they didn't even get a finish :(

-Oh, a special look at Mr. Fuji. Just to mess the timeline of this tape, we have clips of Powers of Pain and the Orient Express, and some clips of the race Fuji did before WM 5. I want to see the Express vs Rockers match they showed clips from.

-Brutus Beefcake vs Rick Martel: Hooray, Hillbilly Jim and Monsoon on commentary. This is from MSG.

Going to watch more of this later

WWE Backlash 2009 Random Thoughts

-Christian vs Jack Swagger my favorite Christian match from last year. Haven't seen the one against Regal from breaking point, but I should get to that ASAP. I know the praise for Christian is nothing new, but I'm impressed his matches remain entertaining while being made up about half a dozen spots (Killswitch, middle rope sunset flip, corner swinging kick thing). Swagger getting a chance to just muscle Christian with take downs and control on the mat is what he should always be doing. And really liked the ending.

-Steamboat vs Jericho was just so much fun. Ricky did as well as he could and really went above what I expected. Wish this had been higher on the card given it's probably one of the more emotional matches on this show.

-Kane vs CM Punk was a lot better than I thought it would be. Dug Punks armbar over the top rope and attempts to work the arm over early, which he played off later turning the chokeslam into a single arm DDT. Kane spends his heat section working over the ribs, including a baseball slide dropkick that drives Punk not the post. I love Kane's use of the basement dropkick for some reason. Like the finishing stretch, but I have no idea why Kane went over, but I did like Kane using his left arm to help get Punk up for the Chokeslam. These guys meshed a lot better than I thought they would. I do wonder, does Kane only have one pair of tights? His gear hasn't changed in 5 years

-I forgot all about the Triple H/Batista/Shane vs Legacy match. Why was this happening, and was it part of another false start Batista heel turn?

I might watch the Edge/Cena main event, but right now, nah, I've had my fill of WWE main events for now, but bring on the mid-card!