Saturday, January 30, 2010

WWE Backlash 2009 Random Thoughts

-Christian vs Jack Swagger my favorite Christian match from last year. Haven't seen the one against Regal from breaking point, but I should get to that ASAP. I know the praise for Christian is nothing new, but I'm impressed his matches remain entertaining while being made up about half a dozen spots (Killswitch, middle rope sunset flip, corner swinging kick thing). Swagger getting a chance to just muscle Christian with take downs and control on the mat is what he should always be doing. And really liked the ending.

-Steamboat vs Jericho was just so much fun. Ricky did as well as he could and really went above what I expected. Wish this had been higher on the card given it's probably one of the more emotional matches on this show.

-Kane vs CM Punk was a lot better than I thought it would be. Dug Punks armbar over the top rope and attempts to work the arm over early, which he played off later turning the chokeslam into a single arm DDT. Kane spends his heat section working over the ribs, including a baseball slide dropkick that drives Punk not the post. I love Kane's use of the basement dropkick for some reason. Like the finishing stretch, but I have no idea why Kane went over, but I did like Kane using his left arm to help get Punk up for the Chokeslam. These guys meshed a lot better than I thought they would. I do wonder, does Kane only have one pair of tights? His gear hasn't changed in 5 years

-I forgot all about the Triple H/Batista/Shane vs Legacy match. Why was this happening, and was it part of another false start Batista heel turn?

I might watch the Edge/Cena main event, but right now, nah, I've had my fill of WWE main events for now, but bring on the mid-card!

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